About the Conference


Founded by the wRite associates, the Africa Century International African Writers Conference – a legacy project of the South African Literary Awards – was inaugurated in Mangaung, Free State Province, in 2012 in partnership with the University of Free State. It is set to become a Mecca of who is who of the African literati, the Diaspora and the entire globe where the celebration of African letters occupies centre stage.
This historical gathering of literary intellectuals and authors from across the world, is, as the then-OAU’s Conference of African Ministers of Education and Culture (meeting in Coutonou, Benin, in 1991) resolved, “… to afford the African people a moment of pause within which to reflect on the contribution of African Writers to the development of the Continent”.
The programme activities include African Writers Conference Lecture, literary seminars, discussions, writing workshops, storytelling, readings, poetry performances, book reviews, book exhibitions, and the South African Literary Awards gala ceremony.

About the South African Literary Awards

Founded by the wRite associates, in partnership with the National Department of Arts and Culture in 2005, the main aim of the South African Literary Awards is to pay tribute to South African writers who have distinguished themselves as ground-breaking producers and creators of literature, while it celebrates literary excellence in the depiction and sharing of South Africa’s histories, value systems and philosophies and art as inscribed and preserved in all the languages of South Africa, particularly the official languages.
The SA Literary Awards are endeavoring to become the most prestigious and respected literary accolades in the South African literary landscape.
To date, the Awards have honoured 121 South African authors in 11 categories. Click here to read more about the South African Literary Awards.