Call for Papers
3rd Africa Century International African Writers Conference
7th November 2014
Theme: Governance In Africa:
Her Prospects & Retrospects – How the Past Speaks to the Future
Presented by the wRite associates, in partnership with the National Library of South Africa, the 3rd Africa Century International African Writers Conference takes place on 7th November 2014 at National Library of South Africa, 228 Johannes Ramokhoase (Proes) St, Tshwane, Gauteng Province, South Africa.
The Conference marks the 22nd anniversary of the OAU- (now-AU) declared International African Writers’ Day (i.e. 7th November). The theme is premised on the need for a broad revisit of the issue of governance, arts, culture and education in Africa since the beginning of the end of colonial rule, marking South Africa’s 20th anniversary of independence and the culmination of the 50th anniversary of the OAU/AU celebrations. In addition, we also note that 2014 marks 130 years since the infamous Berlin Conference at which the scramble and balkanisation of Africa was formalised and continue to define her present perceived or apparent malaise.
This theme is undergirding the founding and guiding vision of the Conference: Celebrating both the 20th and 21st (the latter as the African century) Centuries of Writing and Literary Intellectuals’ Influence on the Liberation Struggles & Political Impact on Literary Discourse and Development.
This prospective historical gathering of authors and literary scholars and historians from across the world, will, as the then-OAU’s Conference of African Ministers of Education and Culture (meeting in Coutonou, Benin, in 1991) resolved, “…afford the African people a moment of pause within which to reflect on the contribution of African Writers to the development of the Continent”.
The Conference will culminate in the 9th Annual South African Literary Awards (SALA) prize-giving ceremony on the evening of 7th November 2014.
Areas of inquiry may include, but are not limited to, the following sub-themes and questions, particularly in their relation to Governance In Africa:
- Post/neo-colonialism or colonialism by other means?
- Reconstructs and new constructs of social formations and governance in contemporary writing and art.
- Decolonizing the mind – youthful exuberance, ambiance or ambivalence?
- Gendering the decolonisation movement and governance.
- Tribe or nation state?: post-colonial governance during Africa’s Renaissance in the African Century.
- The African Peer Review Mechanism: effective or blunt instrument?
- Human rights: Unequal equalities – Sexuality, Health, Social & Class Status Representation & Treatment.
- Environment and natural resources – Government & Activist approaches to natural resource exploitation and protection.
Please submit an abstract of not more than 300 words, along with a short biographical note to: The Conference Team:, by no later than 20th October 2014.
Registration opens : 26th September 2014
Programme finalised : 31st October 2014
Registration fee : R500.00
Click here for guidelines and registration
For enquiries: Write to or call 011 791 3585