Call for papers 2015

Call for Papers

4th Africa Century International African Writers Conference

6th – 7th November 2015


Contribution of the African Writer to the Development of the Continent: Inclusion, Equality and Development in African Literature.

Inspired by that of the AU’s Declaration of 2015 as the Year of

Women’s Empowerment and Development Towards Africa’s Agenda 2063, and 20th anniversary of the Beijing Conference on Women.

Presented by the wRite associates, in partnership with UNISA Institute for African Renaissance Studies, the 4th Africa Century International African Writers Conference takes place on 6th and 7th November 2015 at UNISA, Tshwane, Gauteng Province, South Africa.

The Conference marks the 23nd anniversary of the OAU- (now-AU) declared International African Writers’ Day (i.e. 7th November).

This prospective historical gathering of authors and literary scholars and historians from across the world, will, as the then-OAU’s Conference of African Ministers of Education and Culture (meeting in Coutonou, Benin, in 1991) resolved, “…afford the African people a moment of pause within which to reflect on the contribution of African Writers to the development of the Continent”.

Areas of inquiry may include, but are not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  1. Reconstructs and new constructs of women writers in the development of African literature and society
  1. Mainstreaming the women’s voices and representation in African literature, other arts and general discourse
  1. Gendered Influence on the Liberation Struggles, Political and Cultural Impact on the Advancement of Women Discourse and Development.
  1. Place and role of women literary and other artists:: post-colonial governance during Africa’s Renaissance in the African Century
  1. The African Gender Review Mechanism: effective or blunt instrument?
  1. Book industry – Women leading the pack?
  1. Human rights: Unequal equalities – Sexuality, Health, Social & Class Status Representation & Treatment: a woman’s take
  1. Environment and natural resources – how women’s writing is changing the course thereof

Please submit an abstract of not more than 200 words, along with a short biographical note and contact details including, cell, tell and email address to: The Conference Team:

Abstract must be sent by email in an MSWord file, in English.

Closing date for submissions : 28th August 2015.

Abstract will be adjudicated anonymously and notification of acceptance will be sent by the 14th September 2015.

For more information on registration, guidelines and logistics details, please visit

www. or write to or call 011 791 3585
