The seventh annual Africa Century International African Writers Conference (ACIAWC) invites papers and panel proposals, interpreting the theme:
“Unifying Africa: Writing and reading in African languages”
6th – 7th November 2018
Dr Miriam Makeba Concert Hall, University of South Africa (UNISA), Muckleneuk Campus. Preller Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Gauteng, RSA
Paper Submission Opens: July 2018
Deadline for Paper Submissions: 7th September 2018 at 16H00
Paper acceptance/rejection notification: August to 14th September 2018
This historical gathering of authors, literary scholars and historians from across the world, will, explore the role of the writer in redefining pan-Africanist principles in the development, preservation and restoration of Africa’s identity, dignity and unity.
As the then-OAU’s Conference of African Ministers of Education and Culture (meeting in Coutonou, Benin, in 1991) resolved “…to afford the African people a moment of pause within which to reflect on the contribution of the African writer to the development of the Continent”.
Areas of inquiry may include, but are not limited to, the following sub-themes:
Please submit an abstract of not more than 200 words, along with a short biographical note and contact details including, cell/telephone numbers and email address to:
The Africa Century International African Writers Conference:
Abstracts must be sent by email in an MS Word file, in English.
Abstracts will be adjudicated anonymously and notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by email by/around August to 14th September 2018
The Scientific Committee of the conference will select the best papers for those who send full papers for inclusion in a book that will come out in November 2019, at the 8th Africa Century International African Writers Conference. A full paper will be 6000 words minimum but not more than 8000 words. The book will be peer reviewed to meet the DHET requirements for peer reviews.
Programme finalised: 30th September 2018
Registration fee: R500.00. (For registration and guidelines, please click here)
About the Africa Century International African Writers Conference
Established in 2012 by the wRite associates, the Africa Century International African Writers Conference is a historical gathering of literary intellectuals and authors from across the world. The main aim of the conference is to afford African writers, scholars and community at large a platform to deliberate on issues of social, political and human rights importance through its seminars and the African Writers Day Lectures.
The Conference is a Mecca of who is who of the African literati, the Diaspora and the entire globe where the celebrations of African letters occupy centre stage. This year, the stakeholders include the national Department of Arts and Culture, UNISA and Archie Mafeje Research Institute (AMRI) UNISA.
The previous speakers who delivered the lectures are:
2017 : Prof Zodwa Motsa
2016 : Minister of Arts and Culture, Hon Nathi Mthethwa
2015 : Prof Micere Mugo
2014 : Dr Samia Nkrumah
2013 : Dr Sadiki Kaloko
2012 : Pres Thabo Mbeki
For more information on registration, guidelines and logistics details, please click here
Or call: 060 509 5857 or write to